The Code

Ladies of Anu (Anunnaki ET aliens)

In memory of Alan, who kindly sent me key references for this article. His understanding of this subject was profound, perhaps in excess of what our Creator can sustain in His worldly expressions.

The above images are of my preliminary sculpture for a possible display of such figures. The figure is 7 feet tall and made of hard 316 (“marine grade”) stainless steel wire. The images are of the same figure photographed from different angles. The original is not coloured. I used image manipulation software to colour in some areas and add hair that resembles the hair colour of Paracas beings (referred to below). They had red and blonde hair, which is quite possibly an expression of their Anunnaki DNA. Much of the wire that was visible in the photos is blocked out by the added colour.

Anunnaki is a Sumerian name meaning those who descend from the sky (An) or god of the sky (Anu) to Earth (Ki), or are the offspring of the sky and Earth.1 Hence the name Ladies of Anu, with reference to the lady Anunnaki on Earth who from Anu came or were sent.

Post outline

  1. Introduction
    1.1 Why bother with art?
  2. Amphibious ET creation of humans
    2.1 Biological evidence
    2.2 Mythological evidence
    2.21 Mesopotamia
    2.22 Egypt
    2.23 Sub-Saharan Africa
    2.24 Summary
  3. Features of our ET creators
    3.1 Their names
    3.11 The Face sculpture on Mars
    3.12 Anu = Odin
    3.2 Physical
    3.3 Psychological and spiritual
  4. Viable religion: The Code of Anu
  5. Conclusion
  6. Practical application
  7. References

1. Introduction

This post answers the following questions:

  • What evidence is there that ETs created and civilized humans?
  • What do these ETs look like?
  • How do they behave — their psychology and spirituality?
  • What are the names by which we know these ETs?
  • What is the Code to effective living as revealed by the ETs and the natural religions that they inspired?

There is much reliable information available on this subject. In this post, dependable knowledge is logically clarified and integrated to decisively answer all five questions.

1.1 Why bother with art?

As a form of communication art can increase awareness, including of history, beauty, and the profound something (God, the Force, the Oneness, collective unconscious, quantum vacuum) from which Divine qualities (e.g. truth, intelligence, wisdom, courage, love, beauty, justice) manifest in the visible universe. This awareness is:

  • Therapeutic. It enables the experience of beauty (associated with love and healing) within self, other, and differentness. This includes the beauty of different and contrasting races, ethnicities, cultures and nations.
  • Empowering. Appreciation of beauty inclines conservation of such and fierce opposition to those who try to destroy it. This includes opposition to multi-racialism (race mixing = loss of genetic and cultural identity), active corruption of natural religion (often involves conversion to Christianity or Islam), engineered wars, resource theft (e.g. natural resources, money stolen via Cabal-controlled central banking), globalization, the attempted enslavement of people under a brutal world government by means of lies and deception (e.g. “global warming / climate change,” “pandemic,” “vaccine”) and other religiously evil conduct by the Cabal.

2. Amphibious ET creation of humans

2.1 Biological evidence

Scientific evidence presented in Aliens 1 indicates that humans:

  • Did not result from evolution.
  • Have many characteristics found in marine mammals but not in any primates.
  • Were created by Anunnaki ETs using their genes and by fusing two primate chromosomes together.

These findings are consistent with mythological evidence showing that the Anunnaki are amphibious.

2.2 Mythological evidence

2.21 Mesopotamia

The people and culture of Sumer (c. 4500 – c. 1900 BC) are the earliest known civilization that thrived in southern Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq). The Sumerians had their own pantheon of deities named the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki continued to feature in the cultures of Akkadia (c. 2334 – c. 2154 BC), Assyria (c. 2025 – 609 BC) and Babylonia (1894 – 539 BC). Enki is one of the Anunnaki.1

Figure 1.A relief carving of Enki with freshwater and fish flowing from his shoulders. The carving shows Enki in his role as the god of water, life, and replenishment.2 Image source:


Enki is one of the three most powerful Anunnaki gods, including Anu and Enlil.2 Enki possessed the gifts of civilization3 and is the Sumerian god of creation, wisdom, intelligence, magic, freshwater, healing, art, crafts, farming, and building.1,2

Among Enki’s various roles in Mesopotamian society, he was in charge of making the lands fertile and civilizing its cities.2 According to Sumerians, Enki was the son of Anu, the god of the sky, and Nammu, the goddess who gave birth to the earth and heavens. Enki had a wife named Ninhursag and sometimes Ninmah. Together they had sons, including Marduk (eventually named the king of the gods), Enbilulu (god of canals and dikes), Asarluhi (god of the knowledge of magic) and Adapa (the human sage).1

1. Association with water

His name

The common translation of Enki is “Lord of the Earth”. “The Sumerian En is translated as a title equivalent to “lord” and Ki means “Earth.”4 However, Enki’s Akkadian name is Ea. In Sumerian, E-A means “the house of water” and it has been suggested that this was originally the name for the shrine to Enki at Eridu.4

The city of Eridu

According to legend, the city of Eridu (Sumerian: Eridug, meaning ‘mighty place’ or ‘guidance place’) was the first city ever established and it was founded by and belonged to Enki. Eridu was located in the desert south of the Euphrates, only 12 km south-west from Ur, and once connected with the Persian Gulf (cuneiform tablets describe Eridu as standing “on the shore of the sea”). In ancient times, there was a sea line near Eridu and the city was a port situated within Euphratean marshlands of a freshwater bay near the coastline of the ancient Persian Gulf.5,1

Eridu was one of the five cities built before the Flood and according to the Sumerian king list, it was the first city to hold kingship. The king list says: “When the kingdom came down from heaven, the kingdom was in Eridu.” It also says that the first kings of Eridu were long-lived: The first king of Eridu, and the first king of Sumer, was Alulim, who ruled for 28,800 years; Alalngar ruled for 36,000 years. 2 kings; they ruled for 64,800 years. . . .”5 The extraordinarily long lifespans of the kings suggested by the king list is consistent with the longevity of ET aliens according to ET lore.

The Abzu

In the urban core of Eridu was Enki’s temple, ‘House of the Aquifer’ (cuneiform: E2.ZU.AB; Sumerian: E-abzu). Later, his realm was called ‘House of the Waters’ (cuneiform: E.LAGAB×HAL; Sumerian: e-engur).5 Enki was responsible for the Abzu (Apsu in Akkadian), a subterranean ocean of freshwater.5 He took on all of the functions of the Abzu, including his fertilising powers as lord of the waters and lord of semen6 and the Abzu was a deity in itself.1

A mobile craft. Before Enki built the first city of Eridu, he resided in the Abzu after apparently descending in a space ship.7 In the Epic of Gilgamesh (written in Akkadian, c. 2100–1200 BC), Utnapishtim, the Babylonian Noah, is told to seal his ark thoroughly in order to make it waterproof. “Like the Abzu thou shall seal her,” he is told. The Abzu thus appears to be sealed like a ship and probably was submersible as well.7 This text is consistent with Enki (and presumably other Anunnaki ETs) living in a mother-ship spacecraft parked in those waters. We know from reliable ET craft sighting reports (see Aliens 2) that such spacecraft exist and they can travel / remain under water.


Enki’s association with water (the Abzu or Apsu) is often represented in ancient sculptures or reliefs. Enki is shown with streams of water (the Tigris and Euphrates rivers) containing fish flowing from his shoulders.1,7 Enki was also commonly represented as a half-goat (an ibex — a wild goat7), half-fish creature, from which the modern astrological figure for Capricorn is derived.8,3 His symbols of goat and fish both symbolize fertility.3 

2. Creator of humanity

In Sumerian mythology, Enki is the creator and protector of humanity.1
He created humans as servants to the gods (Anunnaki).3

3. Celestial significance

Major deities in Sumerian mythology were associated with specific celestial bodies. Enki was associated with all the stars of the southern sky.9 This includes Sirius, a star in the constellation Canis Major, in the southern celestial hemisphere.

The remaining two Mesopotamian deities discussed here are essentially the same (Oannes) or very similar (Atargatis) to Enki in their physical characteristics (amphibious) and roles.


The Babylonian equivalent of the god Enki was Oannes.10 Oannes was part fish, part man, and resided at the bottom of the Abzu, in fresh water.11 Oannes led a group of such amphibious creatures called Annedoti (a name quite similar to Anunnaki, from whence it was likely derived7). They taught man all of the ancient knowledge — how to build cities, to found temples, to compile laws, to survey the lands, how to grow food, mathematics, the sciences, and every kind of art.7 Oannes (and presumably the other Annedoti) spent nights in the water and emerged onto land in daytime to civilize humans.12,7,13 Later Oannes become the human-bodied, fish-tailed deity called Dagon by the Philistines at Philistia (in what is now Israel).12,14


Atargatis was the main Assyrian goddess (known as Derceto by the Greeks). Her worship goes back to the Hellenistic Phoenicia15 (from 332 BC16). Atargatis is a Great Mother and goddess of generation, fertility, Earth and water.17,18 Doves and fish are sacred to her. Doves symbolize Atargatis as the Love-Goddess and civilizer who taught people social and religious procedures, and who is responsible for inventing many useful things as her gift to Humankind. Fish represent her as Goddess of the fertility and life of the waters. Atargatis is so closely identified with the fish that sometimes she was represented in the form of a mermaid — her upper half that of a human female, her lower a fish-tail. In her capacity as Heavenly Goddess, she is concerned with astrology, divination, and fate.18

Although Atargatis was primarily a goddess of fertility, she was also responsible for the protection and well-being of people. Hence she was commonly portrayed wearing the mural crown and holding a sheaf of grain, with lions supporting her throne suggesting her strength and power.19

2.22 Egypt


Isis was a major goddess in ancient Egypt. She was first mentioned in the Old Kingdom (c. 2686 – c. 2181 BC). Her magical power was greater than that of all other gods. She was known as a fierce goddess who protected the kingdom from its enemies, a mother who was a role model for all women, a magical healer who cured the sick and brought the deceased to life; and a mourner who was the principal deity in rites connected with the dead.20 Isis was said to govern the skies (she was equated with the Dog Star, Sirius20) and the natural world, and have power over fate itself.21 Isis’ cult spread throughout the Roman Empire — she was worshipped from England to Afghanistan and is still revered by pagans today.20

One of the most common images of Isis throughout the Mediterranean is of her with corkscrew hair tied in knots covering her breasts. This representation is believed to be one of the earliest symbols of the mermaid as protector of ships.22


Wadj-wer (meaning the “great green”) is an Egyptian god of fertility and personification of the Mediterranean Sea who also symbolizes the richness of the waters of the Nile Delta.23,24 The earliest known attestation of Wadj-wer is dated to c. 2500 BC.24 More than being a god of the sea, Wadj-wer was the sea and Delta itself.25

Wadj-wer was depicted in androgynous form, and often shown with images of the Nile River, thus linking him with the “mother of all men” — one of the titles the ancient Egyptians gave to the Nile.25 He was associated with procreation, nourishment of fishing the “Great Green” and prosperity.25,26,27

2.23 Sub-Saharan Africa


The Nommo are amphibious primordial deities in the religion and cosmogony of the Dogon, an ethnic group of about 300,000 people in Mali, West Africa.28 Nommo are described as hermaphroditic, fish-like creatures with humanoid upper torsos, legs/feet and a fish-like lower torso and tail. Nommo are referred to as Masters of the Water, the Monitors, and the Teachers. According to Dogon religion and creation mythology, Nommo were the first living creatures created by the sky god Amma28 (this name is reminiscent of Anu, the Sumerian sky god, which in turn is similar to Binu, a principal cult among the Dogon who built Binu shrines28).

The origins of the Dogon are unknown. It has been suggested that they migrated to their present location from ancient Egypt after living in the region of Libya.28 French anthropologists Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen visited and studied the Dogon people as of 1931.28 These scientists’ discoveries about Dogon rituals, symbolism, and cosmological knowledge include evidence from artefacts (e.g. a statue that is over 400 years old) that describe the Sirius star system. For example, the Dogon knew:

The star Sirius (now known as Sirius A, 8.6 light years from Earth) had a companion star that was invisible to the human eye, moved in a 50-year elliptical orbit around Sirius, was small and incredibly heavy, and rotated on its axis. The Dogon name for Sirius B (Po Tolo) comprises the word tolo (star) and po (the name of the smallest seed known to them). By this name they describe the star’s smallness. They also claim that it is “the heaviest star” (composed of a super-dense metal) and white.

These ancient Dogon beliefs are now astronomical facts. In 1862 the companion star of Sirius (Sirius B) was seen through a telescope, in 1970 Sirius B was first photographed, and it is now known that Sirius B orbits Sirius A over a period of 50.04 +/- 0.09 years. In 1926 Western scientists discovered that Sirius B is a white dwarf, a category of star characterized by very great density.28

The Dogon also believe that a third star (Emme Ya, larger and lighter than Sirius B) revolves around Sirius A and that the Nommos’ home planet orbits this third star. However to date astronomers have not identified Emme Ya.

In addition to their knowledge of Sirius, Dogon mythology includes ancient knowledge of (a) Saturn’s rings, (b) Jupiter’s four major moons, and (c) the planets’ orbit of the sun. The Dogon use such knowledge in their four calendars for the Sun, Moon, Sirius, and Venus.

The source of Dogon astronomical knowledge

The only logical explanation for Dogon astronomical knowledge is the explanation given by the Dogon themselves: This knowledge was given to them by the Nommos who were sent to Earth from Sirius for the benefit of mankind. According to Dogon myths, the Nommos descended from the sky in a vessel accompanied by fire and thunder. Upon landing the Nommos put out a reservoir of water and dived into it, because they had to live in water.

2.24 Summary

There are strong similarities between the deities discussed above. Some of these similarities:

  • Amphibious. Enki (also known as Ea, Oannes and Dagon), Isis (as a mermaid), and Nommos are all amphibious. Although Atargatis and Wadj-wer were not depicted as amphibious, like the aforementioned gods, they are strongly associated with water (among her roles, Atargatis is goddess of Water, and Wadj-wer personifies the Mediterranean Sea and waters of the Nile Delta).
  • Educators. Enki, Atargatis, and Nommos all civilized people. Although Isis and Wadj-wer are not known as educators, they are both revered as mother-figures and Isis in particular is also a protector of her people (like Enki and Atargatis).
  • Southern sky. Enki is associated with stars in the southern celestial hemisphere (this includes Sirius). Isis and Nommos are specifically associated with Sirius.
  • Creators. Among their roles, Enki (creator of humanity), Atargatis (goddess of generation and inventor of many useful things), Isis (mother and healer who gave the deceased life), Wadj-wer (symbolized fertility, procreation, and motherhood), and Nommos (their purpose was to benefit mankind) are all creators / constructive beings.

3. Features of our ET creators

3.1 Their names

We know from the above (particularly 2.24 Summary) that Enki = Ea = Oannes = Dagon, that Enki / the Anunnaki more generally are almost certainly also Nommos, and that aspects of Enki / the Anunnaki seem to be echoed in the myths of Atargatis, Isis, and Wadj-wer. In other words, it seems that all these myths refer to our amphibious ET creators known as Anunnaki. Further, evidence presented in the post Aliens 3 suggests that the ETs known as Tall Whites (Nordics, Pleiadians) are also Anunnaki:

Tall White appearance

  • Tall Whites are the most human-like of all ETs and can pass as human.
  • They closely resemble people of Scandinavian descent.
  • Typically Tall Whites have blonde to reddish hair and blue or green eyes.

In other words, Tall Whites look like the Anunnaki as suggested by the Anunnaki x human hybrid remains found in the Paracas desert.

Tall White base on Mars

When Grey ETs visited Earth in 1953 and 1954 in relation to the Greada Treaty (discussed in the post Aliens 3), Tall Whites quickly reacted by contacting the US Government, warning against the Grey ETs then orbiting the equator, and on 20 February 1954 two white-haired Tall Whites (human-looking, with pale blue eyes and colourless lips) arrived at Edwards (Muroc) Air Force Base in a bi-convex saucer for a meeting with President Eisenhower and others. Their observation of the Greys’ arrival, quick reaction, and speedy visit to Earth suggests that the Tall Whites were relatively close to Earth at that time. In fact evidence referred to below suggests that the Tall Whites were on Mars.

In May 1984 the US Government discovered an ET race on Mars via the remote viewing (non-local perception, sensing with the mind) of the esteemed remote viewer Joseph McMoneagle. In addition to other features of Mars such as huge dust storms, massive pyramids, megaliths, intersecting roads, and aqueducts, Joseph McMoneagle saw a group of tall and slender humanoids. His description of these ETs seems to suggest that they were Tall Whites.

Figures 2a and b. Pyramids and sculpture, including a face (top R in Fig. 2a) in the Cydonia region of Mars. The face is almost certainly of Anu.

3.11 The Face sculpture on Mars

Considering that (a) the ETs who were / are living on Mars are almost certainly Anunnaki, (b) Anu is the Anunnaki sky god, and (c) the huge face sculpture faces the sky, logically, the Face sculpture on Mars is most likely an Anunnaki representation of Anu.

The structure near the face (more clearly visible in Figure 2b) looks like it could be the remains of a related sculpture. To me it resembles an ancient Egyptian sculpture. Perhaps it is equivalent to an Egyptian guardian statue of warrior goddess Sekhmet,29 the powerful solar deity depicted as a lioness.

3.12 Anu = Odin

Like Anu, Odin (Wotan) the chief god of European paganism, is the sky god. As was noted in the post The Christ-Con and its Cure, Odin is the supreme god, god of Heaven, Heaven itself.

There is historical support for equating Anu with Odin:

  • The origins of European Paganism date back 40,000 years.30
  • Sumerian Cuneiform clay tablets from ancient Mesopotamia record the arrival of Anunnaki on Earth in flying ships about 432,000 years ago, their genetic engineering of the human species [anatomically modern humans started to emerge about 300,000 years ago], civilization of humans in Sumer and elsewhere [civilization started appearing on Earth in that area as of c. 4,500 BC], and their worship as gods by the Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians and Akkadians. [References in the post Aliens 1]

In other words, the origins and development of European paganism was subject to the influence of the Anunnaki. Inevitably, the Anunnaki sky god would also be our sky god, known to us today as Odin.

Figure 3. Starchild skull, carving of Enki (Image source: Abzu27), Paracas skull. See Aliens 1 for more information about the Starchild and Paracas skulls.

Figure 4. Full remains of a Paracas being. Image source: Above top secret.31

3.2 Physical

As was indicated in Aliens 1, the Starchild skull (shown in Figure 3) is most likely of a Grey alien (not closely related to humans) and there is strong evidence to suggest that the Paracas skull is of a being with a high percentage of Anunnaki DNA, i.e. the being is a so-called Nephilim (Anunnaki x human hybrid, closely related to humans in that we are descended from Nephilim). It is notable that Anunnaki are depicted with very high hats, e.g. in Figure 2 and at the top of the Aliens 1 post. This would be consistent with the Anunnaki having very high egg-shaped craniums, similar to the Paracas skulls (the Paracas skulls are at least 25% larger and up to 60% heavier than normal human skulls, as is indicated in Aliens 1).

To my eye the full Nephilim remains (Figure 4) look likely to have been of a relatively tall adult female (wide hips, narrow shoulders) who appears remarkably human-like apart from the large cranium. Evidence presented in Aliens 1 indicates that the Paracas beings:

  • Were not human.
  • Were a royal family.
  • Had dark red and blond hair that is 30% thinner than native American hair.
  • Had light-coloured skin and probably sun-sensitive eyes.
  • Lived in underground houses due to the extreme sunshine.

It seems reasonable to assume that pure Anunnaki ETs (vs the Anunnaki x human hybrid remains found in the Paracas desert) would have had larger and more smoothly-shaped egg-shaped craniums.

3.3 Psychological and spiritual

Consistent with their extraordinarily high intelligence (indicated by the large craniums, advanced technology, and reverence as gods by the people of Mesopotamia), the vast scope of Anunnaki concern (all aspects of nature, earthly and celestial) and understanding is striking. This psychological sophistication is reflected in:

  • The spiritually enlightened religious practices (referred to above and in Aliens 1) associated with the Anunnaki.
  • The Anunnaki help of National Socialist Germany via Maria Orsic (referred to below and discussed in Aliens 3).
  • The Tall Whites / Anunnaki offer to help humans with our spiritual development when they visited Earth in 1954 for a meeting with President Eisenhower and others (discussed in Aliens 3).
  • The experience of supremely sophisticated (in science, philosophy, spirituality) ETs (most likely Anunnaki) by Wilbert Smith (1910-1962, M.Sc. Electrical Engineering, ET researcher and contactee) as reported by him in his book The New Science and his talk known as the Ottawa Address (details in the post From ET to Enlightened Time).
  • ETs’ (most likely Anunnaki) God-consciousness revealed in their structures visible on Mars (see the post From ET to Enlightened Time for images and discussion, including matching structures on Earth).

Further to the last point above, points from the post From ET to Enlightened Time:

  • The shapes of some ET structures on Mars are similar in certain respects to the Solar Wheel / Swastika and their symbolism is similar to that of these human-made shapes. For clarity, like the Solar Wheel, the Swastika is a type of cross, a symbol of the supreme deity and a symbol of spiritual enlightenment. In addition, the Swastika denotes rotation about an axis and swift movement, i.e. dynamism.
  • The correspondence between structures made by human/oids on Mars (Cydonia) and Earth (Avebury, England — the mound was completed 4,300 years ago) indicates that human/oids on Mars and Earth were involved with one another. The meaning of the matching diagrams on these structures on Mars and Earth is spirit, material world, communication between the material world and heaven, Oneness, and Universal Oneness.
  • There seems to be a connection between the construction of huge pyramids and sculpture on Mars and the construction of comparable pyramids in Egypt (from c. 2,630 BC), which in turn were associated with spectacular sculpture, e.g. divine statues, colossal figures guarding the pylons, and long avenues of sphinxes.
  • Examples of ET pyramid symbolism on Mars include the Reuleaux and D&M pyramids. The Reuleaux pyramid is a most powerful symbol of the Divine — a Triunity (also called Trinity) of Triunities in the three lines of the Y-shaped cross, the three faces, and the three circles. The D&M pyramid symbolizes a dynamic relationship with our Creator (all pyramids are about material world – heaven communication) in all things (the five Elements) for the purposes of love, health and humanity.

Concerning the last point above,it is notable that ETs / the Anunnaki effectively corroborated this information in their direct communication with Wilbert Smith. Points from Smith’s talk and book (details in the post From ET to Enlightened Time):

  • There is a basic Oneness of the universe and all that’s in it.
  • The human race extends throughout the universe and it is incredibly ancient. We are blood brothers and sisters of these people.
  • ETs stand by ready, able and willing to help us when we are ready for their help.

Figure 5. Location of Aldebaran. Image credit: Wikipedia

Tall White origins

The famous German medium Maria Orsic was in non-local communication (ESP) with ETs in the vicinity of Aldebaran, a star in the constellation of Taurus, which includes the Pleiades star cluster in the north-west of this constellation. Figure 5 shows that Aldebaran (circled in red) is in the neighbourhood of the Pleiades, a star cluster important to Anunnaki religion (see Aliens 1 for details) and from where Tall Whites claim to have originated (noted in Aliens 3). These beings gave Maria Orsic technical information for the construction of a flying saucer and a project to build a prototype of this flying apparatus began in 1922. Maria Orsic wrote down the information received in two languages, one that was legible and another that experts determined to be ancient Sumerian. The language evidence strongly indicates that Maria Orsic was in contact with Anunnaki (they lived in Sumer and educated the people in Sumerian).

As is shown below, the apparent discrepancy between the Dogon claim that the Nommos / Anunnaki originated from the Sirius star system and Maria Orsic’s encounter with Anunnaki from near the Aldebaran star, is easily explained.

Figure 6. Constellations Canis Major, Orion the Hunter, and Taurus the Bull.

As Figure 6 suggests, travel between Sirius and Aldebaran / the Pleiades should be entirely feasible for beings with the advanced space travel technology of the Anunnaki / Tall Whites. Therefore, in my view, the most likely explanation for the discrepancy between the Dogon and Maria Orsic accounts of Nommo / Anunnaki origins is that the Anunnaki colonized multiple planets across that region and have possibly relocated between planets, e.g. from a planet within the Sirius star system to a planet near the star Aldebaran. This interpretation is consistent with biblical evidence32 suggesting that the Nephilim are a hybrid race of humans x beings from the Orion constellation.

4. Effective living: The Code of Anu

We can distil the above into the essence of a natural approach to life based on Anunnaki philosophy as revealed by their ancient structures on Mars and natural religion on Earth that the Anunnaki inspired.

From the Anunnaki structures on Mars

  • Worship of a supreme deity (called Anu by the Anunnaki).
  • Communication between the material world and heaven.
  • Recognition of our Universal Oneness.
  • Living in a dynamic relationship with our Creator in all aspects of the natural world for the purposes of love, health and humanity.

From ancient Anunnaki-inspired religion

Worship of gods / goddesses that represent aspects of the Divine:

  • Creation — including fertility, procreation, motherhood, fatherhood, farming, invention, art, crafts, building.
  • Consciousness — higher awareness of the Divine (truth, intelligence, wisdom, courage, love, beauty, universal law, justice), education, science, magic (the art of using invisible forces to produce visible effects).
  • Love — protection (potentially fierce), battle against attackers, motherhood, fatherhood, healing, care for all expressions of God in the natural world.
  • Natural world — resources (water, earth, fertile land, plants, animals, food) and cosmos (stars and planets).

5. Conclusion

  1. The biological evidence of amphibious ET creation of humans is supported by the mythological evidence.
  2. We can deduce detailed information about our ET creators and educators — their names (it seems that all non-Grey ET identities considered above are Anunnaki), physical appearance, psychological and spiritual qualities, and origin (a region that includes planets in the Canis Major, Orion and Taurus constellations).
  3. The enlightenment of our ET creators and the natural religion that they inspired are in extreme contrast to the ignorance of Abrahamic mind-rot, including Christianity (discussed in the post Christianity kills).
  4. The essence of effective living can be defined as following natural religion by the Code of Anu, which is the same as saying the Code of Odin. The Code offers a blueprint for heightened awareness of our Creator (the Force, God, Oneness, etc) and a dynamic relationship with Him/Her in all aspects of the natural world for the purposes of love, health and humanity. A recovery of this awareness and God-conscious living is evident in modern pagan reverence for the goddess Isis and gods / goddesses of the Northern European pagan tradition (Odinism / Asatru).
  5. Art remains important to communication about our natural religion and there is factual information on which to base such art. God-conscious art need not be conventional. We can all creatively support the recovery process. Enlightened art can include gardens, shaped plants, fish ponds and more.
  6. Living by the Code means living by a natural, global, galactic, and even universal religion.

6. Practical application

Practical application of the above wisdom can be defined as National Socialism. From the recent post The Christ-Con and its Cure, with reference to an article by D.J. Noble (2023, Nature, Paganism, and National Socialism):

  • Paganism and National Socialism are one and the same, they dovetail into a perfect union.
  • Paganism is the spiritual counterpart and natural ally of National Socialism.
  • A return to our ancient European Pagan spirituality, and correspondingly adopting National Socialism as the social and political path forward, is the absolute best solution to our existential crisis on Earth.

7. References

  1. Comunale, Joseph (2022). Enki, the Sumerian god of Apsu.
  2. Busby, Jesse (2015). Enki, Ancient art, University of Alabama.
  3. Dhar, Rittika (2022). Enki and Enlil: The two most important Mesopotamian gods, History Cooperative.
  4. Kramer, S.N., Maier, J.R. (1989). Myths of Enki, the crafty god. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0195055020.
  5. Sutherland, A. (2017). Eridu: Pre-Flood city that belonged to Enki, god of creation, intelligence, wisdom and magic. Ancient
  6. Leick, Gwendolyn (2001), Mesopotamia: the invention of the city, Penguin, p. 20.
  7. Abzu2 (2013). The truth about Enki.
  8. Britannica: Ea, Mesopotamian deity
  9. Rogers, John H. (1998). Origins of the ancient astronomical constellations I: The Mesopotamian traditions, Journal of the British Astronomical Association, London, England, 08 (1), 9–28.
  10. Temple, Robert (1998). The Sirius Mystery, Destiny Books.
  11. Dorey, Shannon (2020). Anunnaki and The Nummo.
  12. Crystalinks, Amphibious gods.
  13. Winston, John F. The truth about Enki.
  14. Creation myths of civilizations.
  15. Berlin, Andrea M. (1997). Archaeological Sources for the History of Palestine: Between Large Forces: Palestine in the Hellenistic Period, The Biblical Archaeologist, 60 (1): 42.
  16. Bonnet, Corinne (2019). The Hellenistic Period and Hellenization in Phoenicia, HAL Open Science.
  17. Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). Atargatis, Encyclopædia Britannica, Vol. 2 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 823.
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  32. Sabak, Pierre (2019). The Secret Knowledge of the Nephilim Revealed.

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