Aliens 1: The Good, the Bad, and the Degrading

Carving of the Anunnaki named Enlil (c. 2,500 BC)

“The human race in the form of man extends throughout the universe and it is incredibly ancient. Our present human race are blood brothers and sisters of these people.”

Wilbert Smith (1910-1962), M.Sc. Electrical Engineering, ET researcher and contactee, in The Ottawa Address, 31 March 1958.1

Do you know (a) your Mars from your elbow? (b) if extraterrestrial (ET) spacecraft are more likely to be seen when the Moon is closer to Earth (nearer perigee) or further from Earth (nearer apogee) and in which lunar phase? (c) who does most of the ET-type mutilation killings of animals and humans — ETs or the government (Cabal)? (d) the personality disorder shared by Talmudic aliens and Grey aliens? and (e) how to steal kidneys and other organs through tiny holes for sinister science and profit?

To answer (a) do the test “Do you know your Mars from your elbow?” in the post From ET to Enlightened Time. The post Highly advanced life on Mars now is also relevant, especially if you are interested in ET building science. The rest and much more should become clear during the course of five research-driven posts on Aspects of Aliens — Aliens 1: The Good, the Bad, and the Degrading; Aliens 2: Alien spacecraft encounters; Aliens 3: Alien characteristics; Aliens 4: ET-type animal and human mutilation killings; Aliens 5: Conclusion.

Post outline


  1. Introduction
  2. The Anunnaki
  3. Anunnaki creation of human and other life
    3.1 Supporting evidence
    3.11 Historical
    3.12 Scientific
    3.13 Biological
    3.131 Genetically engineered hybrids
  4. ET and ET x human skulls
  5. Other historical evidence of ETs on Earth
    5.1 Ancient Hindu texts
    5.2 Ancient art
    5.3 African oral history
  6. The degrading: Transhumanism
    6.1 Transhumanism in reality
    6.2 The identity of our attackers
    6.3 The psychology of our attackers
    6.4 Our attackers’ inevitable failure
    6.5 The link between transhumanism and ETs
  7. Summary of main points
  8. References


It is thanks to Andrew Johnson2 that I learned about ETs and much more. Until my chance discovery of his comprehensive published research in late 2021, I had no idea that ETs even existed.

Via Andrew Johnson I learned about other researchers in this field, including Richard D. Hall of RichPlanet TV.3 As is indicated by my frequent references to their work, the writing / videos of Andrew Johnson and Richard Hall have been invaluable to my studies.

The help of my good friend ACD has also been invaluable to my research of ETs and many other subjects. He has kindly sent me many images and much information on subjects that enabled entire posts and substantially improved the quality of others, including these posts on ETs.

For truth, life, and justice.

1. Introduction

The ET subject is highly relevant to effective coping with the existential threats facing us today. A key figure in highlighting this truth is the late Philip Schneider (1947 – 1996), whose findings are presented in Aliens 3. As Philip Schneider stated in 1995, before he was tortured and murdered in January 1996: The present government rules over us like kings and queens over serfs, We have to get the message out, This country is not going to a New World Order, Our patriot movement will kick the parasites out!

The aim of the five Aspects of Aliens posts is to help clarify the ET subject for the purpose of more informed action against the evil-doers of our times.

2. The Anunnaki

The Anunnaki (meaning “those who came down from the heavens” or more accurately, “those who from Anu to the Earth came or were sent”)4 are a highly advanced humanoid ET species. The above image shows a carving of an Anunnaki (named Enlil) from about 2,500 BC wearing a Cross necklace (the Cross, like the Solar Wheel and the Swastika, symbolizes the supreme deity and spiritual enlightenment, as is explained in the post From ET to Enlightened Time). The image also shows five symbols representing a goddess, a god, and star systems that the Anunnaki worshipped. Clockwise from the bottom, the symbol and its meaning:

  • Eight-pointed star — Ishtar (worshipped in Sumer as Inanna and later as Ishtar by the Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians), Queen of Heaven and goddess of love, war, and fertility.
  • Shooting star — Barnard’s Star in the Orion constellation and therefore Orion.
  • Shamash disc — Shamash the sun god (he sees everything that happens in the world and is responsible for justice and protection of travellers), the sun and the brightest star in the night sky, Sirius, also called Alpha Canis Majoris or the Dog Star.
  • Crescent Moon — the Moon (the Moon symbol is often seen with seven stars around it to represent the seven stars of the Pleiades star cluster), associated with the above-mentioned goddess Inanna / Ishtar.
  • Triple chevron — the Hyades star cluster, which is V-shaped.4,5,6

Clearly the Anunnaki religion is natural (pagan), like that of human pagans.

3. Anunnaki creation of human and other life

Sumerian Cuneiform clay tablets from ancient Mesopotamia (uncovered in the 17th century) record the arrival of Anunnaki on Earth in flying ships about 432,000 years ago [subsequently, about 300,000 years ago, anatomically modern humans started to emerge], their genetic engineering of the human species, civilization of humans in Sumer and elsewhere, and their worship as gods by the Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians and Akkadians.4,7

The Anunnaki feature in the Babylonian creation myth, Enuma Elish, and they are mentioned in The Epic of Gilgamesh when Utnapishtim tells the story of the flood.7,8,9

Specifically, the tablets record:

  • In an African laboratory the gods Enlil (represented in the above image) and his brother Enki, and the goddess Ninmah (Enlil’s half-sister) genetically engineered and gave birth to “Adam,” the archetype for the human race, and then “Eve.”
  • The Anunnaki created humans for the purpose of doing primitive work.
  • These deities taught all aspects of civilization to Sumerians, e.g. agriculture, building, writing, mathematics.
  • On or before 3,760 BC, Enki’s father Anu assigned Enki to the regions of Egypt and Africa, Enlil to Mesopotamia, and a granddaughter named Inanna (the goddess referred to above) to the Indus Valley region.4 [This fits with the dates of civilization appearing in these regions: Sumer / Mesopotamia c. 4,500 BC, Indus Valley c. 3,300 BC, Egypt c. 3,100 BC]
  • Enki (later referred to as “Ea” in Babylonian and Akkadian mythology), one of the chief Sumerian gods, created seven demigods (the Apkallu) to teach humans the arts of civilization (agriculture, building, writing, mathematics etc).
  • It seems that the Apkallu bred with humans to create the Apkallu x human hybrid known as Nephilim, a word that could mean “giants,” “ones who have fallen,” or “those that cause others to fall down.”
  • The Nephilim were destructive rulers who enslaved and exploited humankind.7

As biblical stories draw on pagan myth, Sumerian accounts of the Nephilim are echoed in Genesis 6:1-4, Numbers 13:32–33 and the Book of Enoch. The implication of these biblical references is that the Nephilim:

  • Were the sons of Anak (a word for “giant,” “long neck,” “necklace,” and “ruler”).10
  • Lusted after human females, took them as wives and produced hybrid Nephilim x human children.
  • Were destructive rulers who enslaved and exploited humankind.

As the Nephilim DNA spread across the human population, to varying extents the Nephilim became us.7

3.1 Supporting evidence

3.11 Historical

Ancient Egypt

The rule of Enki in Egypt at the claimed time is consistent with the delineation of Egyptian civilization into three dynasties by the Greek historian Herodotus, who lived in the 5th century BC.4

The Nommo

According to oral traditions of the Dogon tribe in Mali, West Africa, the Nommo are an ET race from the Sirius star system who visited Earth thousands of years ago. This race is amphibious (a race of Fish people) and resemble mermen and mermaids. These beings also appear in Sumerian, Akkadian and Babylonian myths. The Egyptian Goddess Isis is also linked with the star Sirius and is sometimes depicted as a mermaid.9 As a result of their learning from the Nommo, centuries before it was known to modern scientists, the Dogon already knew that Sirius is actually made up of three stars.9

Consistent with Andrew Johnson’s (2019)11 observation:

  • The focus on Sirius in ancient Egypt suggests that the Anunnaki and the Nommo could be the same ET species.
  • This would imply that the Anunnaki are amphibians.
  • This would explain the aquatic characteristics of human physiology after the Anunnaki genetically engineered humans using some of their own DNA (discussed below).

3.12 Scientific

Sumerians showed detailed knowledge of Earth’s orbital plane, tilt axis, spherical shape, precession of its equinox, and our solar system. A 6,000 year-old Sumerian cylindrical seal shows an accurate depiction of our solar system and Sumerian texts describe the colours of Uranus and Neptune. Sumerians also constructed the Zodiac. In contrast, modern science only acquired knowledge of our solar system very recently. While the Sumerians and neighbouring peoples had advanced mathematics, metallurgy, law codes and astronomy, as recently as the Middle Ages in Europe, scientists and church authorities argued about whether Earth was round or flat.4

3.13 Biological

Andrew Johnson (2019) in Acknowledged: A perspective on UFOs, Aliens and Crop Circles (as of p. 246)11 presents biological evidence that rules out the possibility of humans resulting from evolution and instead supports Anunnaki creation / introduction of humans (together with other animal and plant species) when the environment could support them:

Human and chimpanzee differences

Darwinian evolution cannot explain the appearance of Homo Sapiens (humans). Although chimpanzees are supposedly our closest living relatives, we have 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) and they have 48 chromosomes, like all the other primates. It looks like the Anunnaki fused two primate chromosomes together in their creation of humans. Consistent with this evidence of us not being closely related to chimpanzees, chimpanzees are about ten times stronger than humans for a given body weight.11

Human similarity to marine mammals

Humans have characteristics found in marine mammals but not in any primates. For example, humans have:

  • A layer of fat (subcutaneous fat) like walruses, seals and dolphins, and can become very obese.
  • Naked skin, like a hippopotamus or an elephant.
  • Most of their hair in the opposite places to that of a chimpanzee.
  • Locomotion on two feet — as shown by apes when wading through water, this is required when wading in deep water.
  • Control of their breathing (e.g. for speech) like diving animals and birds. In contrast, chimpanzees cannot control their breathing to that extent and always keep their heads above water when swimming or wading in deep water.
  • Millions of large sebaceous glands that exude oil over the head, face and torso. The only known function of sebum in other animals is to waterproof the skin or fur. In contrast, chimpanzees’ sebaceous glands persist only as a rudimentary structure (they are vestigial).
  • DNA that is very close to that of dolphin DNA.
  • Kidneys that are similar to those of marine mammals.11

3.131 Genetically engineered hybrids

Domesticated pigs and other animals, together with plants, were developed in the upper reaches of the Euphrates river about 10,000 years ago, i.e. soon after the last glacial retreat started about 11,650 years ago (charts and discussion of this subject are in the post Are your parasites amusing?). It seems likely that the Anunnaki genetically engineered many animals:

  • Cheetahs (a hunting animal for humans) have the head of a cat, the paws and body of a dog, susceptibility to both dog and cat diseases, and are all virtual clones of one another.
  • Pigs and humans (but not chimpanzees) share about 80 characteristics. This is consistent with humans being a cross between a pig and a more primitive primate.
  • Humans are similar to hybrid mammals in their relatively low fertility, abnormal sperm that is not of one uniform type, and a high percentage of dysfunctional spermatozoa.11

Starchild skull (L) and Paracas skull (R)

4. ET and ET x human skulls

The Starchild skull

The Starchild skull is a 900 year-old bone skull found in Mexico in the 1930s. Scientific analysis of the skull proves beyond any reasonable doubt that it is not human.11 Andrew Johnson (2019) presents detailed factual information about the Starchild skull as of page 264 in Acknowledged: A perspective on UFOs, Aliens and Crop Circles.11 (In contrast, Wikipedia offers a blatant cover-up on this subject.) For educational videos about this fascinating skull, see the presentations of Lloyd Pye12 and Andrew Johnson.13

As this skull looks very different to the Paracas skull, presumably it is not of Anunnaki / Apkallu / Nephilim ancestry, like the Paracas beings seem to have been. In addition to the DNA evidence of that being an ET skull, to my eyes these skull features are the same / similar to those of the Grey ET as sketched by Bill Uhouse (image and discussion in Aliens 3):

  • Cranium to face proportion — the cranium is huge in relation to the face size.
  • Cranium shape — pronounced outward flare behind the eye sockets (orbits) into a huge rear (parietal and occipital bones).
  • Eye orbit size — high and wide.

The eye orbit shape (including a sharp angle on the upper outside) is different to the upward-sloping oval-shaped eyes sketched by Bill Uhouse, but those orbits look far from human. To me the skull looks like it is of a pure Grey sub-species.

The Paracas skulls

In 1928 the archaeologist Julio C. Tello discovered a cemetery in the Paracas desert of Peru containing over 300 skulls. Studies of these Paracas skulls showed that they are:

  • About 3,000 years old in some cases.
  • The largest elongated skulls found anywhere on Earth.
  • At least 25% larger and up to 60% heavier than normal human skulls.
  • Not artificially deformed by techniques (head binding or head flattening) used by some tribes.
  • Structurally different to normal human skulls — (i) only one parietal plate (normal human skulls have two), (ii) the foramen magnum (hole in skull through which spinal cord passes) is back towards the rear of the skull (in a normal skull it is closer to the jaw line) and also smaller than normal, (iii) some of the Paracas skulls have a very pronounced zygomatic arch (cheek bone), different eye sockets, and no sagittal suture (connective tissue joint between the two parietal bones of the skull).
  • Genetically very different to humans and (i) the mitochondrial DNA (inherited from the mother) in hair samples showed a Haplogroup (genetic population group) found most frequently in Eastern Europe, and at a low frequency in Western Europe and (ii) a similar analysis of bone powder from the most elongated skull showed a Haplogroup that originates in Mesopotamia (now Syria),14 i.e. where the Nephilim lived according to ancient Sumerian and biblical texts.
  • Dark red and blond-haired. This is consistent with the DNA results — red hair originates in the Middle East and Europe. Also, their red / blond hair is 30% thinner than native American hair.14,15
  • Nephilim and Nephilim x human hybrids. As was noted above, Nephilim are an ET (the Apkallu, demigods created by the Anunnaki) x human hybrid known as destructive rulers who enslaved and exploited humankind.14

According to biologist Brien Foerster (2018)16 the Paracas were a royal family, had light-coloured skin, probably sensitive eyes, and they lived in underground houses due to the extreme sunshine.

5. Other historical evidence of ETs on Earth

5.1 Ancient Hindu texts

Bipin Dimri (2021), a writer from India, explains17 that ET craft are referred to in ancient Hindu texts and religious teachings (Vedas) dating back to the empire of Rama [a Hindu god who lived about 1,250 BC18]. Most of the ancient Hindu texts concerning ET craft have not been translated into English. The texts include information on:

  • Secrets of gravity and how to master it.
  • Construction of the craft using three metals (Somala, Mourthwika, Soundaalika) mixed in certain proportions to form 16 alloys with the necessary heat-absorbent properties.
  • Fuel and quicksilver (mercury) used in the craft.
  • Craft sizes and shapes, e.g. saucer, sphere, cone, rocket, cylinder, cigar.
  • Craft ability, e.g. travel both underwater and in outer space.
  • Division of the sky into seven worlds (Lokas) wherein the craft travelled.
  • Flight paths, pilot training, navigation, clothing for pilots, food for long flights and propulsion units.17

5.2 Ancient art

Bot L. Rock art in Kimberley, Australia (c. 2,000 BC19). Grey ETs?
Top L. Rock art in Valcamonica, Italy (c. 6,000 BC20). Anunnaki ETs?
Top R. Rock art in Utah, North America (c. 6,000 BC21). Tall Grey ETs?
Bot R. Ancient statues on the island Nuku Hiva, Polynesia (created 11th to 14th centuries22). Nephilim x human hybrids with a high percentage of Nephilim DNA? Note the elongated Paracas / Nephilim skulls.

Around the world ancient rock art depicts aspects of prehistoric daily life, including animals, symbols, humans and ETs. In addition to the examples of ET-type figures shown in the above composite image, examples of ETs and their craft in ancient art include:

Cave painting in Itolo, Tanzania, depicting several disc-shaped objects; cave painting in Kolo, Tanzania, showing four entities surrounding a woman and another looking down from inside a box-like object; cave painting in Kiev, Ukraine, showing a suited ET-type figure; cave painting in Tassili, Sahara Desert, North Africa, showing a being in a possible spacesuit helmet above which are disc-shaped objects;23 rock art in Charama, Chhattisgarh, India of ET-type figures wearing suits like modern space suits, flying saucers with a fan-like antenna and three legs, and the figures carrying what look like weapons;24 much of the art in caves in and around Lesotho, Southern Africa, features ET-type beings that look remarkably similar to descriptions of ETs in modern times;25 and ancient Inca sculptures depicting flying saucers.23

In many cases ET encounters recorded in ancient art remain part of the people’s culture. For example, south-west Native American tribes (ETs in their ancient art are shown Top R above) believe that “The Sky People” or “The Star People” have supreme knowledge and taught people on Earth how to live according to the positions of the astronomical bodies, universal laws, and navigate through different realms of time and space.26 Similarly, in Australian Aboriginal mythology, cloud and rain spirits [Wanjina, the ET figures shown Bot L above] remain important to the Mowanjum Community of Aboriginal people;19 people in the nearby villages of Charama (India) still worship small ‘Rohela’ people who landed there in flying saucers from the sky;24 and much of African mythology contains numerous references to entities from another world.25

5.3 African oral history

Credo Mutwa (1921 — 2020)

Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa was a Zulu traditional healer (sangoma) from South Africa who spoke and wrote about his encounters with ETs.27 Following is information from Mutwa published in New Dawn (2008):28

  • Stories of ETs and UFOs are an important part of African tribal culture.
  • ETs (“sky people” or “sky gods”) have visited Earth for thousands of years.
  • All Africans accept the existence of extraterrestrials and believe that humanity is descended from such beings. In fact the word “Zulu” means people from the stars.
  • Some ETs are wise and benevolent toward humans. They have profoundly influenced human civilizations for millennia, e.g. by giving us knowledge of farming, law, arts, science, the cosmos, and herbal medicine.
  • ETs referred to in the West as reptilians are known about throughout Africa. This includes the amphibian sky gods known in Africa by names such as Zishwezi and Asa (meaning the mighty ones of magic).

6. The degrading: Transhumanism

The Anunnaki were good (in their creation and civilization of us), the Nephilim were bad (in their enslavement and exploitation of us) and the Talmudic aliens (the Cabal) are trying to degrade us in the name of transhumanism. Transhumanism is the ideology driving the Cabal’s Great Reset (New World Order, brutal world government by jews).29 Transhumanism is about trying to enhance humans by means of genetic engineering, biotechnology, and nanorobotics that replace the fully biological body.29 Transhumanists are trying to defy ageing and nature in its entirety.30

6.1 Transhumanism in reality


“Elite” transhumanists seek to advance their own bloodlines and enslave the rest of us.31 They want to control humanity.30 Our self-appointed global rulers intend using Big Data, Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence to control a slave class of sub-humans and hybrids.29 This includes the use of surveillance technology justified by engineered events (e.g. 9/11) and lies (e.g. “global warming / climate change,” “pandemic”) to advance the World Economic Forum (WEF) agenda.32

In 2018 “Advisor” to the WEF Israeli jew Yuval Noah Harari addressed the WEF. He stated that the (supposed) transhumanist future “. . . will be decided by the people who own the data,” “When the infotech revolution merges with the biotech revolution, what you get is the ability to hack human beings.” “. . . the outcome could be the rise of digital dictatorships. . . . we are seeing the formation of more and more sophisticated surveillance regimes throughout the world,” “. . . a tiny elite may come to control not just the future of human societies, but the shape of life forms in the future.”33 In his 2020 address to the WEF, Harari stated that humans are now “hackable animals,” there is the potential for “the worst totalitarian regime in human history,” “[Humans] are likely to lose control over our own lives . . . .”33

There is evidence to suggest that the “vaccines” are in fact material to enable the integration of humans with the Internet of Things / Internet of Bodies, with humans and their devices no longer fully separate entities.34 The “vaccine” contains extremely dangerous carbon nanotubes and self-assembling intra-body nano network technology. This nanotechnology is an interface between the human body and computers via 5G. It is what the Internet of Things is really all about — constant uploading of personal information to the cloud for analysis that enables tracking and total control of “vaccinated” people.35,36


Behind the scenes of international conflict is one conglomeration of technophiles at war with humanity at large. The attackers use deception (e.g. lies about “global warming / climate change,” fake “pandemic,” toxic “vaccinations” presented as necessary and therapeutic, fake threats of foreign nations) to try control humanity. The attack is via numerous overlapping organizations that the attackers control, including universities, the military-industrial complex and the medical-industrial complex and it involves their 5G roll-out, Internet of Things devices, artificial intelligence, vast data aggregation for remote monitoring and immediate reaction, end-to-end digital enabling infrastructure tied to biometric data, and social credit scores in a hellish electronic prison run by world government gangsters.37

In reality there was no pandemic (e.g. Prof. Christian Perronne38 2021, French vaccine expert; and Doctors for COVID Ethics39 2021) and the “vaccine” is not a vaccine.

This deception and attack on our health was planned a long time ago. Fifty years ago the World Health Organization published its intention to study ways in which the immune system can be weakened in Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Vol. 47, No. 2, 1972.40 Excerpt from this WHO publication:

  1. An attempt should be made to ascertain whether viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function, e.g., by depressing 7S versus 19S antibody, or by affecting T cell function as opposed to D cell function (Allison et al., 1971).
  2. The possibility should also be looked into that the immune response to the virus may itself be impaired if the infecting virus damages more or less selectively the cells responding to the viral antigens.
  3. If this proves to be the case, virus-induced immunodepression might conceivably be highly instrumental in prolonging certain virus infections, such as murine leukaemia, hepatitis, sub acute sclerosing panencephalitis, or infections caused by LDV, LCMV, or ADV.

The first clinical reports of HIV/AIDS were in 198141 and there are reasons to suspect that the retrovirus was introduced via “contaminated vaccinations, specifically the hepatitis B produced initially in chimpanzees and rhesus monkeys between 1970 and 1974 . . . .” (Dr. Len Horowitz42).

Mass murder

The “vaccination” is potentially the biggest genocide in history. The Covid “vaccination” destroys immune function. For example, from Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. in an interview with Dr. Joseph Mercola43 about her publication in 2022:

The “vaccine” suppresses the immune system, leading to increased cancer cases in “vaccinated” people. On average there are twice as many reports of cancer after the “vaccination.” The incidence of breast cancer is three times higher after the “vaccination.” Similarly, the weakened immune system allows latent viruses like herpes and varicella (which causes shingles) to emerge. Dr. Seneff anticipates a dramatic increase in infections and cancers of all types. Each “vaccination” erodes the immune response, resulting in it becoming increasingly weak with each jab.

More recently, in “Covid Vaccine Destroys Natural Immunity” (Sep 2022)44 Will Jones reviews relevant medical research and concludes: The “vaccines” appear to demolish a person’s natural immunity, leaving him/her more vulnerable to infection than before.

In addition there are numerous other “vaccine” injuries, including damage to the brain, heart and other organs; limb amputations; high blood pressure; Bell’s palsy; headache; tinnitus; uncontrollable tremors and shaking; loss of mobility; loss of smell and ability to swallow (dysphagia) which are both signs of Parkinson’s disease; Alzheimer’s disease; CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease — a terrible disease that cripples and kills within a few years); infertility; fetal damage; miscarriage; and sudden death of seemingly fit people from stroke or cardiac arrest.43

Consistent with the publicly-declared transhumanist agenda, it looks like the deliberate weakening of people’s immune systems by “vaccine” is to prevent rejection of the “vaccine” contents. On this point, some of the people (e.g. Anthony Fauci) who pushed the “vaccine” are connected to HIV/AIDS research.34 As was shown above under Deception, a Bulletin of the WHO fifty years ago records their intention to study virus-induced immunodepression.

Self-evidently, our attackers do not care about maiming and murdering people in their pursuit of transhumanist / New World Order goals.

Blood of young people

Wealthy older individuals are transfusing the blood of young people into themselves to reverse ageing and extend their lives. For example, there is the case of a 55 year-old American billionaire reportedly paying $40,000 per quarter to get infusions of blood from an 18 year-old person.29 The subject of regenerative medicine and young blood is discussed in Aliens 4.

Hybrid monsters

Genetic engineering includes cloning and the creation of hybrid monsters (chimeras), e.g. in 2019 it was reported that an international team of researchers created embryos containing both human and monkey cells and that their aim was to grow viable organs in chimeras for transplantation into humans.34 Earlier known examples of genetic engineering include goats that produce spider silk in their milk, mice that sing and tweet like birds, super salmon, banana vaccines, chicken-humans that lay eggs with cancer-fighting proteins, cows that make human milk, and human organs grown in pigs.31

6.2 The identity of our attackers

It seems as if the Nephilim became the people we know as jews (the Cabal) who continue to stream consciousness from the darkest realms of beyond.

In his book The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements (2002),45 Prof. Kevin MacDonald examined jewish involvement in subversive movements as a group survival strategy.

Other academics have also documented the identity of our attackers in their scholarly articles published on Prof. MacDonald’s website, the Occidental Observer.46 For example:

V. S. Solovyev (2021). Vaccine Passports, White Terror and Political Control: Who’s Behind It. And Why?47 The entire fake Covid “pandemic” and deadly “vaccination” operation is permeated with Israel state and commercial interests, ideology, and political ambition, and it was planned for decades. The ‘code’ that activated the Covid “pandemic” / “vaccination” attack stems from ethno-religious and cooperative special interests.

Scott Howard (2021). A Look Behind the COVID-19 Vaccine Curtain: Integration with Global Elites.48 Jews and Israel-based entities are dominant in the authoritarian control over citizenry via the fake Covid “pandemic” and toxic “vaccination.”

Karl Haemers (2021). The not-so-friendly folks at the World Economic Forum.49 The World Economic Forum (WEF) is perhaps the most influential global organization. The stated WEF agenda includes “resetting” humanity into a “fusion” of our physical, digital and biological identities, i.e. the WEF is instrumental in trying to establish the New World Order (brutal world government by jews). The WEF is led by a Board of Trustees and they are jews and philo-Semites. The WEF Board includes powerful jews such as Larry Fink, Mark Benioff, David Rubenstein, Leo Reif, and Executive Director Klaus Schwab himself, through his jewish mother.

Gunnar Alfredsson (2022). Canada Under Globalist Control.50 WEF Executive Director Klaus Schwab boasted that the WEF has “infiltrated” governments all over the world, including Russia — according to Schwab, Vladimir Putin was a Young Global Leader of the WEF.

6.3 The psychology of our attackers

This is addressed in the post Psychopaths. The Ego-centrism diagnostic criterion is illustrated in the statements of an attacker, quoted in an article by Karl Haemers (2022):33

In his 2020 address to the WEF, Israeli jew Yuval Noah Harari stated “. . . AI and biotechnology will give us god-like abilities to re-engineer life, and even to create completely new life forms,” “Our intelligent design is going to be the new driving force of the evolution of life. In using our new divine powers of creation, we might make mistakes on a cosmic scale.”

Karl Haemers notes that (a) Harari’s replacement of God with the technocratic “elites” (including Harari) is a distinctly Judaic concept, and (b) the arrogance and anti-social intent of Harari and his ilk are extremely dangerous to the rest of us.

For more information about the attackers and their attack, I recommend “Review: The Perversion of Normality”51 by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D. (2021) and “Facial, Racial, Spatial: How Human Faces and Brains Have Taken Different Routes through Race-Space”52 by Tobias Langdon (2022).

6.4 Our attackers’ inevitable failure

The gangsters’ foolish pursuit of Divine power (e.g. artificially elevating themselves, degrading the rest of us, controlling the world, pretending to be God) will fail spectacularly. Hubris (illusory superiority) kills. A fundamental step in effective coping is realistic appraisal of the situation and one’s coping resources. Although our attackers think of themselves as gods, they are not gods and unlike gods and normal people, they do not learn from their mistakes. Jews seem to have learned nothing from their 1,030 expulsions for outrageous criminality (information and references in Aliens 4). Already we can see signs of the transhumanist / New World Order project unravelling, rage against our attackers growing, and the offenders heading for an unhappy ending.

In contrast to these destructive pretenders, the Anunnaki (truly advanced) respect the universal processes of which they are part (this is shown in their natural / pagan religion) and used their powers constructively (they created and civilized humans).

6.5 The link between transhumanism and ETs

Evidence presented in Aliens 4 indicates that most of the ET-type mutilation killings are done by the government and that the motives for these crimes include the transhumanist (New World Order / brutal world government by jews) agenda.

7. Summary of main points

  1. Historical, scientific and biological evidence strongly indicates that Anunnaki ETs created human and other life.
  2. The Anunnaki are good ETs in that they created and civilized us.
  3. Anunnaki religion is natural, i.e. pagan.
  4. There is abundant historical evidence of other ET species on Earth, although it seems that the Nommo could be the Anunnaki.
  5. In both ancient Sumerian and biblical texts, the Nephilim (early ET x human hybrids) are portrayed as bad — destructive rulers who enslaved and exploited humankind.
  6. The Starchild skull seems to be of a Grey ET and the Paracas skulls are likely of Nephilim and Nephilim x human hybrids.
  7. The behaviour of jewish “elites” (our self-appointed rulers) seems remarkably similar to that of the Nephilim as described in ancient Sumerian and biblical texts.
  8. In particular, transhumanism is an attempt to degrade, cull and control us.
  9. The outrageous criminality of transhumanism is clearly described by academics, increasingly known by regular people, and triggering what will be a massive backlash against the criminals.
  10. The transhumanist agenda is likely a motive in many government ET-type mutilation killings (evidence presented in Aliens 4).

8. References

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  47. Solovyev, V. S. (2021). Vaccine Passports, White Terror and Political Control: Who’s Behind It. And Why?, Occidental Observer, 11 May 2021.
  48. Howard, Scott (2021). A Look Behind the COVID-19 Vaccine Curtain: Integration with Global Elites, Occidental Observer, 13 Sep 2021.
  49. Haemers, Karl (2021). The not-so-friendly folks at the World Economic Forum, Occidental Observer, 26 Mar 2021.
  50. Alfredsson, Gunnar (2022). Canada Under Globalist Control, Occidental Observer, 15 May 2022.
  51. Joyce, Andrew, Ph.D. (2021). Review: The Perversion of Normality, Occidental Observer, 28 Sep 2021.
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The Swastika is a geometric symbol found in nearly all ancient societies. It symbolizes the supreme deity and spiritual enlightenment.

4 thoughts on “Aliens 1: The Good, the Bad, and the Degrading

  1. Excellent summation so far…looking forward to further instalments.
    Ever since Erich Von Daniken’s Chariot of the Gods first came out, this subject matter has held a great interest for me for the past fifty years or so. Some good references and links there also to further explore. Many thanks. Cheers

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Phil! You are most welcome!
      I too am greatly interested in the subject since belatedly realizing that Erich Von Daniken and other researchers in this field spoke truth.
      As Aliens 2 will show, evidence of ET craft in the vicinity of Earth in modern times is solid. Further, the dates of ET craft sightings reveal an ET preference for flying according to certain lunar factors, likely associated with the availability of energy from the natural environment.


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