Aliens 3: Alien characteristics

The ETs were nothing like you would see in films. They looked like devils. They were not friendly and you would not approach one on your own. The ETs are extremely strong and powerful. They would rip you apart. You needed cover [an armed colleague] because they were so quick. They could move 60 metres in a split second. We saw three distinct types of ETs on our missions. In four or five of these cases we were able to say what had been aboard the craft. This included human and animal body parts. The largest number of human bodies secured in a single ET-craft incident was 24 human bodies in Australia.

Richard D. Hall (2015) reporting on testimony from a reliable military source whom he interviewed.1 During the 1990s the military source served in a find and secure unit to cover up UFO cases and in particular mutilated human beings.1,2

Post outline

  1. ET species in contact with Earth
    1.1 Psycho-spiritual significance of star systems
  2. Reported ET encounters
    2.1 The 145 ET-type spacecraft encounters (1825 – 2021)
    2.2 Credo Mutwa (1921 – 2020)
    2.3 Bill Uhouse (1924 – 2009)
    2.4 National Socialist Germany (1933 – 1945)
    2.5 Philip Schneider (1947 – 1996)
    2.6 The Greada Treaty (1954)
    2.7 Bob Lazar (1959 -)
  3. New World Order and birds of a feather
  4. Summary of main points
  5. References

1. ET Species in contact with Earth

The number of ET species said to be in contact with Earth during the human era varies across reports. Reasons for this variation include the extent to which (a) ET species are separated into sub-species (e.g. there seems to be many sub-species of Greys and Reptilians), (b) a distinction is made between ET observers’ state of consciousness, i.e. was the ET seen during waking consciousness or perceived non-locally (ESP, dream, “channelling”) and (c) ambiguity in interpreting ancient evidence (written, art, oral) about the particular ET species seen on Earth, e.g. information in Aliens 1 suggests that the Anunnaki and Nommo might be the same ET species.

Despite the challenges of listing ET species that have been in contact with Earth, there is no doubt about this: Most of these ET species are benevolent toward humans but two groups of ETs can be extremely aggressive toward us. As this post shows, (a) these two dangerous ET groups are some Reptilians and the Greys and (b) it is the psychopathic Greys who are collaborating with the psychopathic Cabal for psychopathic purposes.

Following is a list of nine ET types said3 to be presently in contact with Earth.


Grey ETs have been seen by many people in the modern era and their presence on Earth is shown in the ancient rock art of Australia and North America (referred to in Aliens 1). Greys were genetically engineered by the Reptilian ETs to be a slave race and come from the Zeta Reticuli binary star system, which is about 39.3 light-years away4 Tall Greys are about 5 to 8 feet tall, the leaders and the most intelligent of the two Greys. They work in scientific areas such as genetic engineering. In particular, they are working to develop a stable Human x Grey hybrid race. Short Greys are about 3.5 to 4.5 feet tall. They have been cloned to work for the tall Greys, including mutilation killings. Noted physical features of Greys include grey skin tone; large heads; large dark eyes; long skinny fingers, arms and legs; small mouth; small ear holes; and two small nostrils. Both tall and short Greys are emotionless, place little value on human life and are cruel. Greys view us as their property — a source of genetic material to use for their own purposes.5,6,7

Reports of Grey ET sightings are presented below under Reported ET encounters.


Nordics (Tall Whites) seem to be the most human-like in appearance of all ETs, closely resemble people of Scandinavian descent, can pass as human, and are interested in the well-being of our species. They typically have blonde to reddish hair, blue or green eyes, stand 5 to 7 feet tall and live for about 600 to 800 Earth years. They first began appearing to contactees in the 1950s. Nordics claim to be from the planet Venus and later the Pleiades star cluster. However it is suspected that they might be keeping their true home a secret for security reasons.6,8

Reports of Nordic sightings are referred to below in relation to the The Greada Treaty.

A declassified document reveals that the US Government discovered an ET race on Mars in May 1984 via the remote viewing (non-local perception, sensing with the mind) of the esteemed remote viewer Joseph McMoneagle. In addition to other features of Mars such as huge dust storms, massive pyramids, megaliths, intersecting roads, and aqueducts, Joseph McMoneagle saw a group of tall and slender humanoids. He communicated with them telepathically and learned that the planet was experiencing cataclysmic events.9 The description of these ETs seems to suggest that they were Nordics. Such close proximity of Nordics to Earth is consistent with Nordics’ quick reaction to Grey ETs visit to Earth in 1953 and 1954 (discussed below under The Greada Treaty).


Alpha-Draconians are said to be the oldest known reptilian race in our galaxy, have colonies in Alpha Draconis, and were in contact with Earth even before the Anunnaki arrived here. Alpha-Draconians are known as muscular and extremely powerful. There are two types of these reptilians: a royal caste of giants and smaller ones (8 feet tall) that form a well-trained warrior class.5,8

Full-blood Alpha-Draconians are at the top of the reptilian hierarchy and maintain control over the hybrid reptilians. Reptilians are one of the most technologically advanced civilizations in the universe. In addition to creating hybrid reptilians, they also created the Grey ETs.8

At least some of the extremely powerful and aggressive ETs encountered by the military source quoted at the start of this post seem to have been reptilian. The only other ET species known to have been currently involved in ET-type mutilation killings on Earth is the Grey and the military man’s description does not fit the physical characteristics of a Grey.


They are the most ancient and wise ET species known to inhabit the Milky Way. It is suggested that the other ET species in our galaxy may have descended from them. Arcturians have mutated and evolved into many forms. The main race of Arcturians are about 5 feet tall with green skin and large eyes.6,8


The term Sirians refers to a abroad class of ETs that includes the Nommo and most likely the Anunnaki (who may even be the Nommo). It is said that the Sirians helped to create the human race and they guided the early civilizations of Earth, including Atlantis, Lemuria, the Mayans, the Dogon tribe, and Egypt. ETs from the Sirius star system vary greatly. Some (mostly around Sirius A) are benevolent and good, others (mostly around Sirius B) are evil. Further, many of these ETs are humanoid, many are non-humanoid, some are reptilian, and some are aquatic like the Nommo. There are many Sirian ETs intent on helping Earth.5,8


They come from a star cluster known as the Pleiades, are closely related to humans genetically and are one of several ET species that look very similar to humans. However Pleiadians tend to lack pigmentation in their skin and hair, giving them an albino appearance. Like ETs more generally, they have strong non-local (extra-sensory) perception. In principle it should be relatively easy for humans high in ESP to establish mental contact with Pleiadians.6,8


They are kind and loving and similar to humans in physical appearance with intense interest and affection for humans. They are also known for their advanced and harmonious relationship with technology. According to ET lore, Yahyel descend from the Lyran family of races, as do humans, i.e. they are genetically related to us.6,8,10


They are a humanoid Reptilian x Grey x Human hybrid, common across the cosmos, and friendly toward us.6 Sassani live on the planet Essassani, about 500 light-years from Earth near the Orion constellation. They have light greyish skin and enlarged eyes. They are helped by other ET races, including Pleiadians.5,8

1.1 Psycho-spiritual significance of star systems

It is notable that Anunnaki religion (natural, i.e. pagan, see Aliens 1) focuses on star systems associated with virtuous beings (like themselves) including a goddess, and they ignore star systems that are home to evil-doers. Specifically, the Anunnaki:

  • Worship the Orion constellation (home of the Sassani), the Pleiades cluster (home of the Nordics and Pleiadians in general), and the Sirius star system (home of the Nommo and other Sirians, including the Anunnaki it seems).
  • Worship the goddess of love, war, and fertility (Inanna), associated with the seven stars of the Pleiades star cluster.
  • Ignore the Zeta Reticuli and Alpha Draconis star systems (home to the anti-social Greys and Reptilians respectively).

Implications of Anunnaki expressed star / being preferences

The Anunnaki would be:

  • Profoundly opposed to the anti-social Grey ETs and the Cabal associating with them.
  • Profoundly opposed to the anti-social Reptilians.
  • Fundamentally supportive of humans who share their values as represented by their goddess Inanna, i.e. they would want to help those who value love (for self, family, nation), war (righteous violence against attackers) and fertility (life). Evidence of Anunnaki support for people who share their values is presented below in relation to their help of National Socialist Germany.

The above point is consistent with what Wilbert Smith (1910-1962, M.Sc. Electrical Engineering, ET researcher and contactee) learned from pro-social ETs — They stand by ready, able and willing to help us, but they cannot help us until we are ready for their help. In other words, pro-social ETs can only help us when we share their values as represented by goddess Inanna (see the post From ET to Enlightened Time for more on what Wilbert Smith learned from ETs).

2. Reported ET encounters

2.1 The 145 ET-type spacecraft encounters (1825 – 2021)

Six of the 145 ET-type spacecraft encounters listed in the appendix of Aliens 2 include descriptions of the craft’s occupants (these cases can be found with a search on “humanoid”). Three of these descriptions are specific enough to suggest short Grey ETs:

10 September 1954, France. Two small humanoid figures were seen boarding a craft. The observer shone a torch at the beings. The light reflected off their heads as if they were wearing a reflective helmet. The observer was then paralysed by a beam emitted from the craft before it flew into the sky. Soon after this incident, three cows in nearby farms were found dead. Inexplicably, all their blood had been removed.

7 May 1989, Botswana. An alien craft was shot down by South African aircraft and two small humanoids captured. They were 4.5 feet high, had over-sized heads, slanted eyes, greyish blue skin, were completely hairless, and had scaly ribbed skin covering their chests. The ETs were aggressive and scratched a doctor who wanted to examine them. They also refused to eat food that they were offered.

15 September 1995, Lesotho. An ET craft crashed in Lesotho and South African forces captured three live ETs that were onboard. They were described as humanoid with some reptilian aspects.

The remaining three ET encounter reports do not contain enough information to allow identification of the ET species:

23 February 1975, Japan. Two bright orange objects were seen in the sky. One of the objects landed and a silver-suited humanoid emerged.

4 February 1977, UK. A cigar-shaped aircraft landed and a silver-suited humanoid emerged. A week before this incident, in the same area, a saucer-shaped craft and silver-suited humanoids were seen.

27 September 1989, Russia. A red ball in the sky turned into a disc and landed. A silver-suited humanoid and a robot emerged from the craft.

See the list in the appendix of Aliens 2 for more information about these six cases.

2.2 Credo Mutwa (1921 – 2020)

Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa was a Zulu traditional healer (sangoma) from South Africa who spoke and wrote about his encounters with ETs.11 Following is information from Mutwa published in New Dawn (2008).12

He states that in 1958 he was abducted by Greys and taken to their base under the sacred Inyangani Mountains of Rhodesia. The beings were grey-skinned, short (African pygmy size), had very large heads, eyes like a cat (round with vertical pupils) behind their black goggle-like covers, very thin arms, very thin legs, and emitted a very unpleasant rotten eggs / sulphur odour. A taller figure in the group seemed to have authority over the others. He was paralysed and unable to flee. After surviving the abduction, Mutwa learned that he had been caught by the God of the mountains and was missing for three days.

Mutwa on Grey ETs

  • They are sinister, repulsive, selfish, parasitic, manipulative, use us, harvest things from us, power-hungry, sow discord and cause disease.
  • Humanity suffers the negative influence of ETs, particularly the Greys.
  • Zulus refer to Grey ETs as the mantindane (the tormentors) and Africans greatly fear the Greys.
  • Grey ETs share Earth with us and should not be considered foreign.
  • It would be better for us to acknowledge the presence and influence of Greys.

Sketch by Bill Uhouse of the short Grey ET (J-Rod, wearing a human man’s shirt at a meeting in the 1970s or early 1980s) with whom he worked. Image from Linda Moulton Howe via Stealth Skater.13

2.3 Bill Uhouse (1924 – 2009)

Bill Uhouse was a fighter pilot in the Marine Corps who subsequently worked on flight simulators as a mechanical avionics engineer for 37 years as of 1954.14,15 From 1958 to 1988 he worked specifically on “flying disc simulators” in which certain US Air Force pilots trained. The simulators were based on a 30-metre wide ET craft presented to the US government by ETs in 1953, in Kingman, Arizona. The craft was then taken to Area 51 and the four ETs on board went to Los Alamos National Laboratory in northern New Mexico for study by scientists. The difference between this aircraft and other discs that the US had examined was that this craft was a much simpler design. The first flying disc simulator was functional by about 1958 and it was put into operation as of about 1962 or 1963.

The technical advisor on the flying disc simulator project was a short Grey ET (about 4 feet 9 to 5 feet tall), originally from the Zeta Reticulum star system. This ET became known as J-Rod. He had been working with a secret agency of the US government since 1953 at Los Alamos National Laboratory and in a secret underground facility called Site 4 (S-4), which is inside the Papoose Mountains near Groom Lake, Area 51 and Nellis AFB. In effect J-Rod was head of the flying saucer simulator project.14

At least two J-Rods were known to be working for the US at that time: one was located at Los Alamos National Laboratory and the other at S-4.14

From an interview15 with Bill Uhouse in 2000:

ETs can actually speak. J-Rod spoke like a parrot and sounded human. However he might not understand a question unless it was put on paper and explained. J-Rod could answer questions that even our top mathematicians could not answer. J-Rod’s skin was pinkish and a little bit rough.

2.4 National Socialist Germany (1933 – 1945)

On several occasions, NASA director Dr. Wernher von Braun (a rocket scientist in Germany during World War II ) said that National Socialist Germany received help from ETs.16,17 This claim is consistent with evidence concerning Maria Orsic. She was a famous medium and leader of the Vril Society (a group of young female mediums) in Germany. Via non-local communication (ESP) she received information from ETs in Aldebaran, in the constellation of Taurus [the Pleiades star cluster is in the north-west of this constellation and — along with the Orion constellation and Sirius in the Canis Major constellation — the Pleiades star cluster is worshipped in Anunnaki religion]. They gave her information of a technical nature for the construction of a flying saucer. She wrote this information down in two languages, one that was legible and another that a group of Germans known as Pan-Babylonianists determined to be ancient Sumerian. A project to build a prototype of this flying apparatus began in 1922.18,19 This information is documented by respected academics: History professor Dr. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke (2002)20 and Retired History professor Dr. Raymond A. Keller (2017).21

Note: The connection of these ETs to both a star constellation (Taurus) and a language (ancient Sumerian) associated with the Anunnaki indicates that Maria Orsic was in contact with the Anunnaki.

2.5 Philip Schneider (1947 – 1996)

Philip Schneider worked on secret United States government projects for 17 years as a geologist and structural engineer. After resigning from his government post, he gave over 30 public lectures about what he had learned during the course of this work. In the References are links to two of these lectures, one in September 199522 and another in November 1995.23 In these videos Mr. Schneider gives details of his personal encounter in late August 1979 with hostile seven feet tall Grey ETs that stank worse than the worst garbage can. This event occurred while Mr. Schneider worked on a secret underground facility in Dulce, New Mexico. Mr. Schneider shot two of the ETs dead but was severely injured by an ET when it emitted a blue beam, like a lightning bolt. His visible injuries include fingers burned off his left hand (clearly visible in the September 1995 video). I would recommend viewing the videos for more information about what was a major incident involving the deaths of many military personnel.

Understandably, some writers are sceptical of Mr. Schneider’s claims. However, readers might want to bear this in mind:

First-hand vs second-hand knowledge
We can distinguish between what Mr. Schneider claims to have personally experienced and information obtained from others. For example, Mr. Schneider repeats claims made about an ET named Valiant Thor. In contrast to the period in which Mr. Schneider was speaking, we can now easily use the Internet to find articles such as one in Skeptoid24 that exposes this story as fabricated in 1967 by a dishonest Christian evangelist named Rev. Frank E. Stranges. Similarly, Mr. Schneider repeats anti-Hitler / National Socialist Germany lies. However, again, back in 1995 before we had ready online access to the truth of this subject, many of us were still fooled by Cabal lies about WW2 in which all sides lost (the only winner in this senseless slaughter was the psychopathic Cabal that orchestrated the entire conflict).

He threatened the Cabal
Mr. Schneider’s claim that his truth-telling threatened the Government and that they wanted to murder him are backed by facts. After he was found dead in his apartment in January 1996, his ex-wife documented25 facts that strongly indicate torture and murder (poisoning and violence) by the government. This suggests that Mr. Schneider was publicly speaking truth that threatened Cabal power and control. Concerning the Cabal’s torture of Mr. Schneider, as is shown in Aliens 4, psychopathic hatred and sadism is a hallmark of the Talmudic alien.

It is readily apparent from his lectures (especially the Sep 1995 talk22) that Mr. Schneider was devoted to speaking truth to the best of his knowledge and ability for the benefit of his people. For example, from the September 1995 talk:

  • The present government rules over us like kings and queens over serfs.
  • We have to get the message out.
  • This country is not going to a New World Order.
  • Our patriot movement will kick the parasites out!

Mr. Schneider’s declaration expresses the love for our people, war against those who dare to attack us, and value of life that the Sumerian goddess Inanna stands for. In paganism as it subsequently developed in Europe, the psychic forces expressed via Mr. Schneider’s statement are those of Odin, the god of inspiration, shamanry and battle.26

2.6 The Greada Treaty (1954)

According to former naval intelligence officer William Cooper in Chapter 12 of his book Behold a Pale Horse (1991):27

Grey ETs visited Earth in 1953 and 1954
In 1953 astronomers discovered large objects heading toward Earth. Later evidence revealed that the objects could only be spaceships. The spaceships contained Grey ETs and took up a very high orbit around the equator. Through radio communications using the computer binary language, face-to-face contact with the ETs was arranged. Consequently during 1954 these Greys landed at Holloman Air Force Base for a meeting with President Eisenhower and others. At this meeting an agreement known as The Greada Treaty was signed. According to William Cooper, the treaty included the following:

  • We would keep their presence on Earth a secret.
  • They would give us advanced technology and help us to develop technologically.
  • They could abduct humans on a limited and periodic basis for scientific and medical purposes.

Nordic ETs visited Earth in 1954
During the period referred to above, a race of human-looking ETs known as Nordics contacted the US Government. The Nordics warned us against the Grey ETs then orbiting the equator and offered to help us with our spiritual development. They refused to share their advanced technology with us, saying that we were not spiritually ready for it and would use such technology for destructive purposes.27

According to the literature reviewed by Andrew Johnson,28 on 20 February 1954 at Edwards (Muroc) Air Force Base, President Eisenhower and others met with two white-haired Nordics. They had pale blue eyes and colourless lips. These ETs arrived in a bi-convex saucer that stood on tripod landing gear on the landing strip. The Eisenhower administration rejected the Nordics’ offer of spiritual rather than technological help and instead formed the above-mentioned agreement with the Greys.

Greys broke the Treaty
William Cooper writes27 that the Greys’ contempt for the Treaty was obvious by 1955 when mutilated humans and animals were being found all over the United States. Further, it was suspected that the Greys were not returning all abductees.

2.7 Bob Lazar (1959 – )

According to Bob Lazar in an interview (1989)29 he worked as a physicist at the S-4 facility (underground, inside the Papoose Mountains, near Area 51) for about six months as of early 1989, where he:

  • Worked on back-engineering an ET spacecraft.
  • Entered the ET craft and studied it.
  • Witnessed test flights of ET craft which must have been retrofitted to accommodate human pilots.
  • Learned that the ET crafts at S4 originated from a planet orbiting the Zeta Reticuli star system [home of Grey ETs].
  • Saw autopsy photographs of an ET, including a chest cut open and a dissected organ that showed the different chambers. The ET looked like a typical Grey about 3.5 to 4 feet tall.
  • Learned of an incident in 1979 that halted an information exchange programme between ETs and humans. ETs who were working with humans became hostile and killed a number of security personnel.

Bob Lazar stated the following in relation to the government and ETs:

  • The government is only serving their own interests, not ours.
  • Obviously ET craft exist.
  • This implies that ETs must have factories and entire civilizations.

Although Bob Lazar denied properly seeing a live ET, in addition to seeing photographs of a dead short Grey, he said that during the course of his work at S-4 he:

  • Read briefing documents that detailed alien involvement with Earth for over 10,000 years.
  • The documents described Grey ETs from a planet orbiting the twin binary star system Zeta Reticuli.
  • Through an open door at S-4 he saw two men in lab coats talking to “something small with long arms.”
  • Senior employees at S-4 referred to the ETs there as “the kids.”30

3. New World Order and birds of a feather

In addition to Philip Schneider (discussed above) many other people have also observed that the brutal New World Order (NWO, Jew World Order, World Government) is a shared ET – Cabal agenda.31 This is symbolized by the alien depicted at the top of the NWO pyramid.

It has also been observed8 that particular ET species show a preference for associating with certain human groups: (a) the Nommo associated with the Dogon, (b) the Nordics associated with the Scandinavians, (c) the Anunnaki tried to help the Germans, and (d) the psychopathic Greys associate with the psychopathic Cabal. The commonalities between Greys and their human partners in crime are striking.

4. Summary of main points

  1. At least three ET species (Greys, Reptilians, Nordics) have been seen on Earth in modern times.
  2. Enlightened beings such as the Anunnaki ETs have enlightened religion (e.g. goddess Inanna, who symbolizes love, self-defence, and life) and enlightened friends (e.g. National Socialist Germany).
  3. Unenlightened beings such as the Cabal have unenlightened religion (e.g. worship of Yahweh, aka Satan) and associates such as the psychopathic Grey ETs who also stream consciousness from the darkest realms of beyond.
  4. Although Grey ET – Cabal collaboration in the US formally started in 1954 (Greada Treaty), in practice these parties seem to have been cooperating since at least 1953 (when large spaceships containing Greys visited Earth, Greys gave the US a 30-metre wide flying disc and the four Greys aboard went to Los Alamos National Laboratory).
  5. The collaboration involved Greys giving scientific / technological support to the Cabal in return for freedom to harvest material from animals and humans.
  6. Following the deal struck between Grey ETs and the Cabal, the incidence of animal and human mutilation killings soared.
  7. A project to build flying disc simulators in which to train US Air Force pilots started in 1958.
  8. The technical advisor on the flying disc simulator project was a short Grey ET who had worked with a US government agency since 1953 (presumably this Grey was one of the four Greys that brought a flying disc to the US in 1953).
  9. The first flying disc simulator was put into operation in 1962 or 1963.
  10. By early 1989 human pilots were conducting test flights of ET craft and work was underway to back-engineer a particular ET craft (it is possible that other ET craft were back-engineered before this date).
  11. The reality of ET spacecraft logically indicates the existence of factories and highly advanced civilizations elsewhere in our universe.
  12. The high-level Grey ET – Cabal collaboration suggests that (i) Grey ETs are involved in trying to establish the brutal New World Order and (ii) due to their superior intelligence, Grey ETs are at the top of the NWO pyramid.
  13. In the words of the late Philip Schneider, the New World Order cannot be allowed to happen: This country is not going to a New World Order, Our patriot movement will kick the parasites out!
  14. Mr. Schneider’s declaration expresses the love for our people, war against those who dare to attack us, and value of life that the Sumerian goddess Inanna stands for.
  15. In paganism as it subsequently developed in Europe, the psychic forces operating through Mr. Schneider are those of Odin, the god of inspiration, shamanry and battle.

5. References

  1. Hall, Richard D. (2015). UFOs and NATO: The Human Mutilation Cover Up, Part 2 of 3, 16 Jul 2015. Unfortunately YouTube deleted this channel.
  2. Hall, Richard D. (2015). UFOs and NATO: The Human Mutilation Cover Up, Part 1 of 3, 16 Jul 2015. Unfortunately YouTube deleted this channel.
  3. Ancient Code. Hostile alien species visiting Earth.
  4. Wikipedia: Zeta Reticuli.
  5. Anomalien (2020). Alien species fighting for Earth control.
  6. John, Adriana (2022). Alien Races in Contact with Earth, Wonders List.
  7. Alien UFO Research (2018). The Grey alien race.
  8. Victor, Daniel (2017). Meet The ETs: A Guide To Our Alien Neighbours, Cosmic Dose, 4 Jul 2017.
  9. Down the chupacabra hole (2022). Declassified document reveals the US Government discovered an ancient Martian race.
  10. Thames, Nancy (2020). The Yahyel race, Time for disclosure, 17 March 2020.
  11. Wikipedia: Credo Mutwa
  12. Proud, Louis (2008). Credo Mutwa & the Alien Agenda: UFOs & Alien Abduction in the Eyes of a Zulu Shaman, New Dawn, Nov-Dec 2008.
  13. Moulton Howe, Linda (2002). Two scientists describe an extraterrestrial biological entity called J-Rod, Stealth Skater, 19 Feb 2004.
  14. Bill Uhouse: Mechanical avionics engineer, Area 51 disc simulator designer. UFO Research Network, 6 Nov 2010.
  15. Bill UHouse Interview: UFOs, Aliens, Area 51 and J-Rod (2000), YouTube.
  16. When all else fails: PSYOP-UFO, 2nd smartest guy in the world, 25 Aug 2022.
  17. Walia, Arjun (2018). Wikileaks document suggest that Wernher Von Braun tried to warn us about a fake alien invasion, ExoNews, 6 Apr 2018.
  18. El, Nash (2022). Did María Orsic really obtain extraterrestrial technology for the Germans? Mysteries Unsolved, 21 Oct 2022.
  19. Strickler, Lon (2021). From the Vril to Roswell: The Genesis of Modern UFO Technology? Phantoms and monsters, 28 Feb 2021.
  20. Goodrick-Clarke, Dr. Nicholas (2002). Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity, New York University Press, ISBN 0-8147-3124-4 and ISBN 0-8147-3155-4.
  21. Keller, Dr. Raymond A. (2017). Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus.
  22. Phil Schneider on UFOs at the Preparedness Expo (Sep 1995). YouTube.
  23. Phil Schneider (Nov 1995 lecture). YouTube.
  24. Dunning, Brian (2019). Valiant Thor: Your friendly Pentagon alien, Skeptoid, 14 May 2019.
  25. The Phillip Schneider investigation, From American Patriot Friends Network, 27 May 2000.
  26. Pennick, Nigel (1998). Secrets of the runes, London: Thorsons.
  27. Cooper, William (1991). Behold a Pale Horse (Ch. 12).
  28. Johnson, Andrew (2019). Acknowledged: A perspective on UFOs, Aliens and Crop Circles.
  29. Bob Lazar: Full length interview on Area 51, Element 115 & UFOs (1989). YouTube.
  30. Bob Lazar: Full length interview about Area 51, Element 115 and UFO crafts, Donkey Junk, 18 Jan 2022.
  31. Light, Alexander (2015). The New World Order Agenda is the Alien Agenda, Humans be free, 30 Oct 2015.

The Swastika is a geometric symbol found in nearly all ancient societies. It symbolizes the supreme deity and spiritual enlightenment.

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